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co·a·li·tion - kōəˈliSH(ə)n/ - noun - a group of diverse people joined in union to work together towards a common goal; Latin word coalitiō, meaning "to grow together"



One-On-One Personal Training is what Brian does best. Whether your goals are to lose 5 lbs... or 50 lbs... or you want to become a faster runner, or more explosive competitor... or you've been nursing a chronic injury for most of your recent years, I can guarantee you that there is a program that we can initiate immediately to begin seeing positive chnage and begin making progress towards your goals. Your body needs a combination of intense exercise with a focus on building lean muscle mass, meanwhile strengthening our ligaments and tendons while practicing proper biomechanics for injury prevention.

            GROUP TRAINING



Small group classes enable a savy trainer to truely maximize their potential, by bringing clients of varying athletic abilities, covering all ages, experience & each may be there for their own individual goals. But muscular burn and soreness is a universal language, and based upon the science of muscular confusion and the necessity for a degree of intensity in every workout, you better believe these sessions can be INCREDIBLY difficult yet lots of fun and laughs.

           MARTIAL ARTS &


Martials arts were a foundation built into Brian's life at a very early age. The benefits of this practice, have shaped him into the man he is today, and looking back he understands he would have made alot of negative choices, and attribues martial arts to giving him the edge he needs to perform physically. He has studied numerous forms throughout his life, and is now giving back to his clients by incorporating martial arts in their training. Basic self defense is key, untilizing wrestling, jui jitsu, muy thai, shotokan, and boxing among others. Balance and coordination are fine tuned throughout, as we seek a more disciplined mind... an inner peace... enlightenment.

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