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With years of experience working with hundreds of clients to reach their goals, Brian has helped people from all backgrounds, all fitness levels, some with serious injuries, some with lots of weight to lose, and others in great shape compared to most. But they all had one thing in common, they had a fire burning inside of them. A burning desire to lose the weight, or surpass their plateau, stop living their life in pain, or simply to become the BEST THEY CAN BE.

           WEIGHT LOSS


Seemingly the most trivial and frustrating goal for many in the fitness community, Brian has helped hundreds of clients lose thousands of pounds! Understand, it IS NOT EASY. But when we use the science of the metabolism and combine it with a solid, easy to live by nutritional program (and some good ole hard work) we get dramatic & PERMANENT results.



Combining age old methods of powerlifting and modern day bodybuilding techniques, you can expect to pack on size and begin to carve out definition, to look and feel the way you've always dreamed



No matter what your sport or recreational activity, we can focus on specific biomechanics and increase your overall athleticism to take you to the next level. Ideal for the high school & collegiate athelete that wants to train like a professional, and of course we will take a professional athelete to heights previously unseen.



No matter what aches... whatever hurts or hold you back, there is a prescribed combination of mobility work & strengthening that can help you begin to move past injuries, no matter how long they have plagued you. Currently pain free? Everyone including seasoned athletes, benefit from getting their body prepared to prevent a future injury, through basic stability & mobility.



Self-Mastery is the key to challenging yourself on a consistent basis. Learn how to control your body, and use it in ways you have never imagined, and have a little fun in the process. Great for overall cardio endurance, increasing mobility, perfecting your balance.... and a good way to let off a little steam as well.

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